Ginger's names...

Ginny Boo; Ginny; BooBoo; GinGin; Ginger Dog; Fuzzie; Baby; Little Girl; Puppy...

Friday, December 11, 2009

The little things...

There's alot that we take for granted concerning our pets, and our loved ones. Pam and I have noticed this past week that there are a lot of little things that are very different without Ginger. For instance, the trash can in the bathroom is full. Pam said just this morning, "I guess your not going to empty the trash can now that Ginger's not here." She wasn't being mean or insensitive. It's just that we had to always keep the trash can emptied or we'd come home to find bits and pieces of Kleenex' and Q-Tips, etc., all over the floor. Pam and I would get upset with her and scold her. There have been days this past week that I really wished I would come home and find trash on the bathroom floor. Another thing I've noticed is that when I drop a crumb of food on the kitchen floor, or an ice cube, I have to now pick it up. Ginger would go sniffing around the floor boards of the cabinets in the kitchen and "vacuum" up all the little bits and pieces of dropped food crumbs. She also LOVED ice cubes. At first, when she was no more than a puppy, we might accidently drop ice on the floor and she would be right there to eat it. Ice became one of her favorite treats... We miss her, but we have a lot of great memories.

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